Audit Committee
Name of the Directors | Nature of Directorship | Designation in Committee |
Mr. Mahesh Virchand Mehta | Non-Executive Independent Director | Chairman |
Ms. Swati Dhawal Mirani | Non-Executive Independent Director | Member |
Mr. Sagar Girish Bhanushali | Chairman & Whole Time Director | Member |
Nomination & Remuneration Committee
Name of the Directors | Nature of Directorship | Designation in Committee |
Mr. Vijay V Pandya | Non-Executive Independent Director | Chairman |
Mr. Mahesh Virchand Mehta | Non-Executive Independent Director | Member |
Mr. Swati Dhawal Mirani | Chairman & Whole Time Director | Member |
Stakeholder’s Relationship Committee
Name of the Directors | Nature of Directorship | Designation in Committee |
Mr. Mahesh Virchand Mehta | Non-Executive Independent Director | Chairman |
Mr. Vijay V Pandya | Non-Executive Independent Director | Member |
Mr. Mohansingh L Parmar | Chairman & Whole Time Director | Member |